Monday 6 March 2017

Canada Parks Discovery Waste

So yeah, by now, you and all of your neighbors have your free Parks Canada Discovery Pass.  Yay!   Do you know what it's actually for or how much it saves you?  Probably not..  but it's awesome because it's free!!!  People are such cheap idiots.  These passes are only for National Parks.  Not Provincial parks, not Conservation areas.  And they are for day use only.  Many of the Parks I would visit, I would be camping anyways which makes these useless.  Oh, how much are you saving on your day pass?  I bet you spend more money on gas getting there and back than you would have on your passes anyways.
So the government builds up hype and spends all this taxpayer money on ads to promote this and mail every moron their free pass. Protip - it's not free if you are paying for it with your taxes!  Or how about they just give you free entry in the first place if you prove your citizenship instead of wasting money on this campaign...  most of these passes will just sit on someone's shelf unused till they throw them out at the end of the year.
As much as I hate the high prices of Provincial parks, I found one thing I detest more - jerkoffs who like something not because of what it is , does or anything else, only because of a four letter word - F R E E.  You cheap bastard. OK, perhaps I am a little harsh - it does bring awareness to the awesome that is Canada.

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