Crazy day on Bronte Creek.
High spring water after many days of good rain. Started in Lowville Park, ended up in Oakville.
Many blockages across the creek along the length of the creek, some quite dangerous.
I'd guess that we had to portage around 8-10 blockages - much more than when we ran this creek two years ago. With water this high, no time for rest when there's rapids or blockages around every corner... not to mention fly fishermen lining the sides and wading in the middle of the creek everywhere.
On one blockage, I ended up overturning, going for a rather cold swim under a log, sacrificing my Garmin Colorado GPS and my Tilley hat to the river gods and I punctured my rear hatch cover for good measure in the process.
Thankfully that's all that happened. Well, that and Peter lost his hat and ended up in the drink twice as well.
This is certainly an awesome creek to run in the spring in Southern Ontario, but definitely not for beginners.
Watch out for the blockages & make sure you have everything tethered!!
My Everytrail Bronte Creek Trip
Peter's Everytrail Bronte Creek Trip
Peter's video from his Panasonic TS2 camera