Wednesday 17 August 2016

Everytrail acquired by Alltrails and lost my 70 trips, photos and descriptions

I'm pretty pissed off.  I haven't been on Everytrail much lately, but I wanted to look at my trips today and start a trip for my Iceland Laugavegur trip.  When I went o Everytrail, it was redirected to Alltrails.  Apparently Alltrails acquired Everytrail recently (like yesterday) and proceded to promptly shut the Everytrail site down immediately and redirect to the Alltrails site.
Despite their wording that ' EveryTrail users will be able to seamlessly interact with their existing photos, reviews and trail recordings... etc.' it's bullshit.  I can't access any of the 70ish trips I meticulously uploaded, added thousands of photos and wrote lengthy descriptions of.  None of them. To add insult to injury, some of the photos on there I don't even have on my hard drive, since there is about a year of photos I lost around 2008 or 2009.  Perhaps I should have downloaded them earlier but I thought they were safe on Everytail.  If I know this was coming in advance I would have.  Much of the traffic to this blog was a result of people reading my Everytrail trips and they were an excellent resource for people planning trips in the areas I traveled in.  This is pretty much bullshit - they couldn't keep both running for a while and/or send all Everytrail users an email explaining what happened to allow them to get their data off of Everytrail???  That would seem reasonable to me, but they didn't do that.
The only recourse I have to get my data back is I submitted a help ticket on Alltrails asking how I can access my data.  Hopefully something comes of this but I am not holding my breath.

UPDATE:  Alltrails did help me out and imported my trips (now called recordings) into Alltrails.  Thanks Alltrails!


  1. I have about 118 trips and I just discovered they are appearing on AllTrails, but, everything is very different. Are your trips now appearing on AllTrails? Did you ever get all your data back?

    1. Yes, I did get all my photos and trips back a couple days later. I contacted Alltrails and they helped me out!

  2. I've got a dozen trips that were on EveryTrail, they're showing up on AllTrails. I was able to download .gpx files from other people before, but now AllTrails wants me to pay a subscription fee. I'm considering deleting all my trips and closing the account instead of allowing them to make money from content that I posted for free.

    1. They won't even let me download the .gpx files from my own trips!! BS
