Sunday 12 June 2016

Black Diamond Distance Carbon FLZ Poles - The Trekking Poles That Couldn't

I wanted to get some high end, lightweight trekking poles for use while backpacking.  I thought these Black Diamond Distance Carbon FLZ Poles would do the trick, since I figured Back Diamond should surely know how to design some trekking poles - they have been doing it for quite a while.
Brand new, these poles seemed to be great - lightweight, easy to set up and extend.  My only issues were the hand straps - they're are non removable for some reason..  and the tips are plastic for some reason.  I had to buy some carbide tips to switch out, which is easy enough - the plastic tips simply unscrew.
Unfortunately it didn't take very long for me to find out how how unsuitable for trekking these poles are.  First trip with these was a three day backpacking adventure in the Adirondacks. I only got the chance to use them a day and a half, or around 10 hours/20kms of hiking, before one of them failed.  Basically the locking pin for them frayed the carbon fiber tubes and one pole was useless after that.  I looked at the other pole and it was showing signs of the same thing.  I managed to use the second pole for the other day and a half of my journey, but that pole is useless now too.


I am actually a bit shocked at how unsuitable these poles are for trekking - I expected much more out of Black Diamond for a set of poles that cost nearly 200 dollars.  I weigh only 180lbs and didn't abuse these in any way - slamming them down or falling on them - I was simply using them in a way that anyone would while backpacking in steep rocky terrain.. I honestly can't think of a use for these poles except if you are a senior and want to use them in the local city park, either that or if you weigh less than 130lbs they might be suitable for the backcountry.  I question if Black Diamond even spent any time testing these.
I rarely return gear that has been used, but I will be returning these to MEC.  I don't know which poles I will get next.  I don't know if I can trust Black Diamond to get a different model than these now.

Black Diamond Distance Carbon FLZ Poles

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